
Doctor’s home visits

Treat yourself in the safety of your home



telefon number
099 432 9000
Dražnikova 76T, Zaton - NIN

We make home visits by appointment from Monday to Saturday.

Falkensteiner Borik


Home visits by medical doctors

As part of the home visit, the medical doctor examines the patient: he takes an anamnesis, performs a clinical examination, takes vital parameters, records an EKG, gives therapy via infusion, injection, inhalation, places a urinary catheter, a nasogastric tube, can issue you a private prescription, etc.

We also offer the so-called VITAMIN INFUSIONS!

Strengthen your immune system and at the same time detoxify your body with intravenous therapy!

What are VITAMIN INFUSIONS and what are they for?

Vitamin infusions (also known as vitamin cocktails) are infusion solutions to which ampoules of various vitamins are added in doses prescribed by a competent physician taking into account the patient's health condition and history. There are different infusion solutions into which vitamin ampoules can be inserted. The ingredients of vitamin infusions are most often vitamin C and vitamins of the B spectrum, and they can also contain additional electrolytes and minerals. Vitamin infusions are used to replace fluids and missing nutrients in the body. The main purpose of vitamin infusion cocktails is to strengthen the immune system and rehydrate the body in the shortest possible time. Intravenously received solution with vitamins has a stronger and longer effect than vitamins taken orally. In the fight against viruses, vitamin infusions can help the patient's immune system, both during the acute phase of the disease and after it, especially if it is a slow and difficult recovery.

Frequent conditions when it is necessary to administer infusion therapy are vomiting and/or diarrhea, hangovers, for the recovery of athletes, to support the immune system, vomiting during pregnancy, migraine attacks, detoxification, antiage, restoring energy, strengthening immunity, strengthening strength and endurance during exertion, recovery after chemotherapy...

Home consultations of surgeons

Our specialist in general surgery in the comfort of your home can perform a consultation related to the care of chronic wounds and provide a "local blockade". "Local blocks" or injections into the joint are given if it is degeneratively changed ("worn out") in order to reduce the pain syndrome and allow better mobility of the joint.

A doctor specializing in surgery in the field of chronic wounds offers you a whole range of treatment and care for chronic wounds. By examining and reviewing the previous medical documentation, the surgeon gives instructions on further diagnostic procedures and surgical intervention, depending on the nature of the problem.

If necessary, a small surgical procedure will be arranged, which the surgeon will perform in an outpatient setting. Small surgical procedures are surgical procedures that are performed under local anesthesia and do not require a stay in the hospital.

Nurse in the house

If you need an injection, infusion or bandage, you no longer have to go to the clinic, we will come to you.

Injections are one of the fastest and most reliable ways for a patient to receive medicine. However, not everyone is able to go to the clinic for this service. In case of need for parenteral therapy, i.e. giving injections: intracutaneous (into the skin), subcutaneous (under the skin), intramuscular (into the muscle), contact us with confidence.

We perform wound dressings. Access to the wound requires teamwork between the doctor and the nurse. The frequency and method of bandaging is determined by the doctor, and the bandaging itself is performed by a nurse who monitors the situation and reacts in case of possible worsening of the wound condition.

Administering an infusion is a medical-technical action by which a nurse administers therapy on the order of your chosen doctor, and if it has not been previously prescribed by a doctor, and you think you need it, our doctor will visit you.

Fast and quality healthcare service at your address.

We offer midwifery care, newborn care, care for chronic patients and their families, help and instruction for families in performing personal hygiene, prevention of complications caused by long-term lying down (decubitus, contracture, thrombosis, pneumonia...), toilet and stoma maintenance, performing enemas for cleaning, taking material for laboratory tests (blood, urine, stool, swabs...), application of parenteral therapy under the supervision of a doctor, catheterization of the urinary bladder in women, application of oxygen therapy, tube feeding, measurement and registration of vital functions, control of blood sugar levels and urine, palliative care (care for a dying patient)...


If you need urgent medical help, or if it is a life-threatening or urgent medical condition, you need to call EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE  on the number 194 or 112!


Medicl Clinic Aloysius is not a contractual entity of HZZO and charges for its services in accordance with the Price List of Health Services. Our healthcare services are exempt from VAT in accordance with Article 39, paragraph 1, point b) of the VAT Act.

Payment methods: cash or credit/debit cards (Visa, Visa Electron, MasterCard and Maestro), according to the issued fiscal invoice for the services rendered.

About us

MEDICAL CLINIC ALOYSIUS d.o.o. was established in 2020 to perform healthcare activities. We deal with the treatment of non-urgent acute and chronic conditions, and we place special emphasis on home visits by doctors and treatment in the family environment of our own homes.

We carry out home visits in the area of ​​Zadar county, we come to your home, apartment, hotel, workplace or to a home for the elderly and infirm, at the time agreed upon, from Monday to Saturday.

Treat your loved ones to a medical examination without having to go to the doctor's office. If you are sick to the extent that you cannot go to the doctor's office, you have difficulty moving, are immobile or do not want to wait for an examination, contact us with confidence.

In the safe environment of your home, we perform a clinical examination, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures that are the domain of a general practitioner and assess whether the patient should be referred to the hospital or whether it is possible to continue treatment at home.

Home visits used to be the original form of a doctor's work, and only with the development of medicine did a more institutionalized form of healthcare implementation begin to prevail. Home visits are a kind of challenge for every doctor because without high technology, the doctor has to come up with a quality solution for the patient's problems with his skills and knowledge.

The advantage of home visits is that having patients under supervision (especially those who cannot see their doctor) minimizes or reduces the risk and high costs associated with unnecessary visits to the emergency hospital (OHBP) and hospitalizations. The guiding idea of ​​our practice is simple: rather than waiting for sick people's health to really deteriorate and then need hospitalization, we visit patients at home, coordinate other health services and try to solve problems at the beginning.

Home treatment is better for the elderly because there is no sudden change of environment that can cause a significant change in their mood and behavior.

We bring medical care to your home by performing home visits by medical doctors.

To arrange a visit, contact us. Contact us with confidence.


To arrange a home visit, call us at +385 (99) 432 - 9000 or send us an email at: medical.aloysius@gmail.com. You can also contact us via Whatsapp or SMS to the mobile number mentioned above.